Mardrömmen is a Progressive Hybrid-Folk band exhibiting
projected visuals of scandinavian petroglyphs and
Lovecraftian creatures, blending folkloric music with
contemporary production techniques and genres, such as
metal and electronic music.
“May the whispers of the elders and the words of
survivors of tomorrow rise.”
Related groups
Germany / Folk

Germany / Indie

Germany / Samba

Romania / Metal

Romania / Hip-hop

Romania / Pop

Romania / Metal

Norway / Folk

Norway / Indie Pop

Norway / Hip-hop

Lithuania / Alternative Rock

Lithuania / Hardcore punk

Lithuania / Surf Punk

Lithuania / Pop

Lithuania / Hardcore punk

Lithuania / Pop

Lithuania / Hip-hop

France / Electro Pop

France / Rap

France / Punk


France / Rap

Romania / Pop

Romania / Traditional

Romania / Metal

Romania / Hip-hop

Germany / Metal

Germany / Folk

Germany / Folk

Germany / Folk

Germany / Pop

Norway / Rock

Norway / Hip-hop

Norway / Rock

Norway / Punk

France / Folk

France / Electro Pop

France / Hip-hop

France / Rock

France / Punk

Norway / Rock

Germany / Folk

Romania / Soul

France / Electro Pop



Romania / Traditional

Romania / Pop

Norway / Rock

Norway / Pop

Norway / Punk

Norway / Rock

Germany / Rock

Germany / Soul

Germany / Punk

Germany / Rock

France / Hip-hop

France / Hip-hop

France / Pop

France / Folk